Nancy Young, Ed.D.
Reading | Writing | Learning
Giftedness Resources
Nancy Young, Ed.D.
Reading | Writing | Learning
Giftedness Resources
The New book
co-edited by Nancy Young and Jan Hasbrouck
Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners
Instruction for gifted children is addressed in Climbing THE LADDER OF READING & WRITING:
Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners
Ch. 13: Advanced in Reading (AIR) (Nancy Young)
Additional Book Recommendations
Education of the Gifted and Talented (7th ed.).
Rimm, S., Siegle, D. & Davis, G. (2018).
Failing Our Brightest Kids: The Global Challenge of Educating High-Ability Students.
Cambridge, MA: Finn, Chester & Wright, Brandon (2015). Harvard Education Press.
Gifted Education: A Survey of Current Research on Giftedness and Talent Development.
Plucker, J. & Callahan, C. (2020).
Articles / reports
A definition of giftedness that guides best practice.
Key considerations in identifying and supporting gifted and talented learners: A report from the 2018 NAGC Definition Task Force.
General Overview
Addressing excellence gaps in K-12 education.
Building a wider, more diverse pipeline of advanced learners: Final report of the National Working Group on Advanced Education.
The broken pipeline: Advanced education policies at the local level.
Key themes and recommendations from The Dream Unencumbered: NAGC invitational colloquium.
Programming Standards (United States)
National Standards
Pre-k-grade 12 gifted programming standards.
Applying the pre-k-grade 12 gifted programming standards: Guiding questions.
Common core and next generation science standards for gifted and talented students.
State of the States
State of the states in gifted education.
High stakes for high schoolers: State accountability in the age of ESSA.
Gifted Education Program Standards: Individual State Example
North Carolina academically or intellectually gifted program standards.
The role of assessments in the identification of gifted students.
Effect of local norms on racial and ethnic representation in gifted education.
Rethinking how we identify ‘gifted’ students.
Teacher Training
Universal Educator Preparation in Gifted Education 2024.
Faculty standards for teacher preparation programs in gifted & talented education.
High-achieving students in the era of NCLB.
The Classroom – Instructional Approaches
Curriculum as motivation for gifted students. Psychology in the Schools.
Quick learners; High achievers: Study of mathematically precocious youth [Documentary].
Academic Acceleration
A nation deceived: How schools hold back America’s brightest students.
A nation empowered: Evidence trumps the excuses holding back America’s brightest students.
Talking with a student about academic acceleration.
The role of advanced placement in bridging excellence gaps.
Under-resourced students increasingly participate in AP courses, but inequities persist.
Differentiating curriculum and instruction for gifted and talented students.
Curriculum Compacting
Why not let high ability students start school in January? The curriculum compacting study.
Cluster Grouping
Equity and Programming
Excellence gaps by race and socioeconomic status.
Rethinking gifted coverage in the media.
Ohio’s lost Einsteins: The inequitable outcomes of early high achievers.
Addressing excellence gaps: Frontloading.
Missing in action: Gifted black girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Young Gifted Children
Early childhood: Creating contexts for individualized learning in early childhood education.
Parenting with eyes wide open: Young gifted children, early entry and social isolation.
Twice-exceptional (Intellectually Gifted with a Co-occurring Exceptionality)
The paradox of twice-exceptionality: Packet of information for professionals – 2nd Edition (PIP-2).
Gifted and dyslexic: Identifying and instructing the twice exceptional student.
English Learners who are Gifted
Exploratory study on the identification of English learners for gifted and talented programs.
Where are the gifted English learners and students with disabilities?
Social-emotional & Family Support
The importance of parent, family, and community engagement.
Nurturing social and emotional development of gifted children.
Small town, big talent: Identifying and supporting academically promising students in rural areas.
Examples of Successful Programs
Excellence with equity: The case for rethinking gifted education.
How one school district is balancing excellence and equity—and another isn’t.
Best practices in gifted programming.
Fairfax County Public Schools.
Mississippi Public School Consortium for Educational Access
National Association for Gifted Children
Acceleration Institute at the Belin-Blank Center
Gifted Education Resource Institute, Purdue University
Programs for Talented Youth, Vanderbilt University
Gifted Education Services for Educators and Schools Northwestern
Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education (MAGE)
The Ohio Association for Gifted Children
Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented