Nancy Young, Ed.D.
Reading | Writing | Learning
Dr. Nancy Young is a Canadian educational consultant providing professional development in reading and writing instruction for an international audience.

The highly acclaimed book
co-edited by Nancy Young, Ed.D. and Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D.
Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners
Published January, 2024!
A co-edited book encompassing a wide range of topics authored by experts in the field, all 20 chapters tied to the features and terms of Nancy Young’s The Ladder of Reading & Writing infographic.
Co-Editors Nancy and Jan Summarize the Book
Our book is intended for a broad audience, from educators to parents/caregivers and community members, providing a user-friendly source of information related to learning to read and write. Looking at literacy through the lens of Nancy’s infographic The Ladder of Reading & Writing, twenty short chapters present concise yet powerful ways to effectively address the wide range of ease in mastering literacy skills and the varying needs of students in today’s classrooms. Written by subject-area experts, these chapters are organized into three sections: Understanding the Big Picture; Addressing Exceptional Needs; and Exploring Additional Considerations. The message of differentiated instruction is central to our book; providing appropriate programming based on individual need is essential to enable ALL students, whether experiencing challenges or advanced, to keep climbing the Ladder successfully and happily! (Preview the book HERE)
About the editors
Nancy Young, Ed.D
Nancy Young, Ed.D. is a Canadian educational consultant providing professional development in reading and writing instruction for an international audience. Her literacy focus is effective differentiation of programming and materials to meet the needs of a wide range of learners, from students who have learning challenges to students who are advanced in reading (AIR). Dr. Young’s expertise encompasses the educational needs of students who are gifted intellectually, including gifted advanced readers and students who are gifted with the co-occurring exceptionality of dyslexia and/or ADHD. She is the creator of The Ladder of Reading & Writing© (updated 2023).
Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D.
Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. is a leading researcher, educational consultant, and author who works with schools and agencies in the U.S. and internationally. Dr. Hasbrouck worked as a reading specialist and coach for 15 years and later became a professor. Her research in reading fluency, academic assessment and interventions, and instructional coaching has been widely published. She is the author, coauthor, and co-editor of several previously published books including Conquering Dyslexia”, “Reading Fluency”, and “Student-Focused Coaching”, along with some assessment tools. She continues to collaborate with researchers and school colleagues on projects related to reading assessment, coaching, and intervention.
Nancy’s previous book on movement and learning (Secret Code Actions™) is currently undergoing revision.
Table of Contents
A Look inside
Understanding The Big Picture
Part I
Addressing exceptional Needs
Part II
Exploring Additional Considerations
Part III
Endorsements For the book
Nancy & Jan are honoured to have received the following endorsements for the book

Nancy Young and Jan Hasbrouck, both premier educators and scholars, have provided the field with a masterpiece linking the science undergirding reading and writing development with the science of instruction. The organization of the information is clear and comprehensive. All the conditions that must be in place for evidence-based instruction to be successful are mapped out for a wide range of skilled and unskilled learners and different teaching environments. In my opinion, this is one of the most comprehensive and readable texts addressing the complex world reading development, reading difficulties, and reading instruction.
G. Reid Lyon, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Southern Methodist University Distinguished Scientist in Neuroscience and Cognition, University of Texas, Dallas Former Branch Chief, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health
If you are seeking a comprehensive guide to the science of reading and writing, look no further than Climbing the Ladder of Reading & Writing, an essential reference book to add to your professional library. This resource skillfully navigates the intricacies of literacy acquisition, offering insights, guidance, and practical tips for differentiating instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners, including older students, students with various disabilities, and multilingual learners. With a stellar roster of expert authors, this book combines cutting-edge research with hands-on strategies, ensuring teachers can provide an inclusive instructional approach that addresses the challenges that many of today’s students face when learning to read and write. Whether you are an educator, parent, or lifelong learner, this book will help you produce positive literacy outcomes for every student.
Nancy Mather, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, University of Arizona
Climbing the Ladder of Reading and Writing is an indispensable reference for all members of the education community. In one book, Nancy and Jan have made clear the urgent need to understand that while there is a base of evidence of what it necessary to become an effective reader and writer,
children will have differing needs for instruction and assistance in order to
“climb the ladder of reading and writing”.
Linda Diamond
Co-Author: Teaching Reading Sourcebook and Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures
Louisa Moats, Ed.D.
Literacy researcher, speaker, consultant, and trainer
As a literacy advocate and the mother of 5 children who do not acquire literacy skills effortlessly, I cannot recommend Climbing the Ladder of Reading & Writing more! Nancy Young and Jan Hasbrouck unravel the complexities of literacy instruction, remediation, and enrichment in schools, empowering families to actively participate in their children’s literacy journey. They make the often-intimidating world of literacy accessible to all. Climbing the Ladder of Reading & Writing goes beyond demystifying literacy jargon. It equips caregivers with the knowledge to comprehend research on literacy development and instruction and to understand the intricacies of various literacy learning profiles. This depth of insight enables parents to engage meaningfully with their children’s schools. No longer do families need to scour the internet or navigate educational labyrinths on their own. Young and Hasbrouck deliver the expertise directly to the reader, bridging the gap between educators and families. Nancy Young and Jan Hasbrouck crafted a literary guide that doesn’t just inform; it transforms families into advocates for literacy, making it an indispensable addition to every home’s library.
Kate Mayer
Educator, literacy advocate and co-founder of Everyone Reads PA
In this easy-to-read and useful book, Hasbrouck and Young have crafted a concise and informative resource in Climbing the Ladder of Reading and Writing: Meeting the Needs of All Learners. This compilation of works from experts in the field of research and education will serve novice to veteran educators as a comprehensive guide to understanding and meeting the needs of ALL learners. By going beyond the obvious academic essentials and including discussions about older students, variations of English, multi-lingual learners, socio-economic factors, home-school connections, technology, and teacher development, this book is an insightful reference for pre-and in-service teachers, as well as school administrators. Climbing the Ladder of Reading and Writing explains the basis of the needs of your students and will help you answer the “why” and the “how” to effective instruction.
Donna Hejtmanek
Retired Educator, Advocate and creator of the Science of Reading-What I Should Have Learned in College Facebook Group
The Infographic
Upon Which The Book Is Based: